Usage Profile Ventilation

Usage Profile Ventilation

Enter the air exchange rate in [1/h] and the daily profile here. It is also possible to automatically increase the ventilation if it gets too warm inside and it is cooler outside. To counteract too high indoor temperatures, the ventilation can be increased up to the maximum value specified here. The condition is that the limit temperature in the calculated room is exceeded and the outside temperature is below the inside temperature. For activation, mark the desired hours in the lower table behind "automatic" and set a check mark.

The air exchange rate represents a multiple of the room volume that is supplied as supply air. The temperature of the supply air corresponds to the outside air temperature. The thermal load resulting from the ventilation is called "ventilation heat". The heat of ventilation is calculated from the air volume and the difference between the outside and inside air temperature. If the heat of ventilation is positive, it is a heating effect. If the ventilation warmth is negative, it is a cooling effect. The heat of ventilation is shown in the diagrams and on the printout just like the other thermal loads.


A room with a volume of 100m³ and an air exchange rate of 0.5/h is supplied with 50 m³ of air per hour. Since the information about the air supply must be available hourly, the daily course ("daily profile") of the ventilation must be specified. In the case of ventilation, the daily profile defines whether or not ventilation takes place in the respective hour.

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