

Editing modes

All drawings except the free form areas will be deselected after the creation for you to create several drawings in a row. To edit a drawing, you first have to select it and choose the right editing mode. The toolbar and the zoom function move automatically if touched while editing. Moreover, you can move the zoom function around freely.



You can switch to the select mode by clicking the hand symbol. Choose the drawing that you want to select to switch into the editing mode. The selection can also be made within the table. In this case, the selected drawing will be shown in color.



Once a drawing is selected, the app switches to the editing mode to make it possible to move the points and further edit the drawing. For a pixel-perfect result, use the arrows in the zoom function.



Within the move-mode, you can move the drawing as the whole. Certain drawings that need sizing can be adjusted to the corresponding layer and that way keep its dimensions within the layer.

Assisting reference lines that are orthogonal to the line will be shown while moving a measurement line.



You can also copy a drawing. It will be inserted in the same position as the original. Furthermore, the shift mode activates automatically to move the copy around.



There is also a delete function. Confirm you are sure that you want to delete the drawing.


Drawing mode

After successful calibration, you can draw areas, lines, dimension lines and texts onto the image. As soon as you have activated the drawing mode, you can select which type of element you want to draw.

Areas & cutouts

Areas are subdivided into wall and roof areas, and cutout areas are subdivided into windows or doors. Cutout areas can only be drawn within areas and may not protrude beyond the surface edge of the surrounding area.

The area of the cutouts is deducted when calculating the net area of the surrounding area.

A distinction is made between rectangular and free forms for both areas and cutouts.


Rectangular areas can either be chosen in the drawing mode with one click or by drawing up in the image. The perpendicular angles always refer to the direction of the calibration.

Once a corner point is edited, the neighboring corner points direct according to the perpendicular angles. Furthermore, orientation lines that are the original connecting lines will be shown while editing a corner point.

Free form

Within this mode, you can draw free forms onto the image. Just click on a free spot and a point will be added to the form. One click on an existing point deletes it. If only 3 points should exist in the area, you wouldn't be able to delete points anymore. If a point is moved, orthogonally orientation lines will show up that cross-neighboring points. The last moved point can be placed more accurately with the zoom function again.

Areas and cutout areas


In addition to texts, lines are one of the two drawings that do not require calibration. You can draw the line with a pull-up movement. If you edit the name of the line, it will also be shown in the picture next to the line.

Graphical elements

Measurement line

The function of the reference line is to measure distances. After successful calibration, you can draw it onto the image like a regular line.Β However, it does not show the name next to the line, but its calculated length.

When editing the picture, once again orientation lines that cross the selected finishing point in either 90Β° or 45 Β° angles to the layer will show up.


Text can be placed onto the image with one click. Next, a dialog window will pop where you can enter and edit the text. Another option is to edit the text in the table section β€œname”.

In the editing mode, you can edit the position of the note such as the position of the arrow.

PV module occupancy

With the full occupancy you can automatically create modules to drawn areas. All objects except areas and cutouts are hidden in this mode for a better overview. You can select exactly one area to be used for the full occupancy. As soon as you have selected an area, all other areas will be hidden.

An area can only be occupied with modules once. If you want to apply the full occupancy once again, the existing modules will be removed first.

After an area has been occupied with modules, the area and its cutouts are locked for further editing.

Occupancy modes

There are 3 different types/modes of occupying areas with modules. For all types of occupancy, you are initially in a preview mode in which changes in the module settings are immediately applied to the preview. The modules are not actually created until you confirm by clicking the green tick button. You can exit the assignment at any time via the red button. After the modules have been created, you can delete individual modules or the entire module group via the graphic or tabular view. It is currently not possible to subsequently move individual modules.

Full occupancy

The full occupancy is used to occupy areas with the maximum number of modules considering the current module settings. Please note that cutout regions and regions with other modules cannot be occupied with modules.


Single module

You can create individual modules in the single occupancy mode by clicking in the area. As long as the preview mode is active, you can move the module freely within the area.


Module group

In the module group mode, you can draw a rectangle within the selected area. Similar to full occupancy, this rectangle is automatically occupied with the maximum number of modules considering the current module settings. This mode is mainly used to lay out only a part of the selected area.


Module settings

The module settings can be used to adjust the most important values ​​for the occupancy. The settings are applied immediately to an active occupancy. The values that can be set include:

  • Module from the favourites
  • Horizontal and vertical alignment within the area and the assembly of the modules
  • Distances to the edges of the selected area and between the single modules

Modul settings


The table contains an overview of all drawn and measured areas including the corresponding characteristics. You can either see the detailed overview on the whole screen or just a shortened version on the side. Just choose your preferred setting in the bottom menu or on the top right corner.

Table symbol


The list contains an overview of all areas and forms, the corresponding label, the net area of areas and cutouts such as the length of the reference lines. The cutouts are not only sorted by numbers, but each has a different color to differentiate from the areas. A filter gives you the option to search through the forms in the table.



Moreover, you can see the characteristics of a certain form. This way you have the name, a description of the form, measurements like areas and lengths all in one place. Moreover, you can control the visibility of the forms and delete the ones you don't need afterward. As soon as you select a form in the table, it will automatically be selected in the image (the same is the case reversed).


Measurement export

As long as you are in the SimpleMeasure context, you can export your measurements in four different ways:

ExportFile formatDescription
PDF (summary).pdfSummary of all important project data like the addresses, areas, forms and screenshots in pdf format
CSV (data processing).csvSummary of project data like address, areas & forms in text format for data processing
CSV (parts list).csvSummary of project data like areas & cutouts in text format for data processing
Image (Screenshot).jpg

Screenshot of the current state

Depending on the device and operating system, you have a variety of options for processing or sharing the export files.

PV module favorites

The "Modules" tab takes you to your PV module favourites, where you can create and manage your favourites. These are saved on your device independently of the project. You can use your favourites for the PV module occupancy.

Catalogue data

As long as you have a licence and have logged in via the Hottgenroth ID, manufacturer data of PV modules may be accessed. You can do so by clicking on the Add button β†’ Catalogue data. In the opened dialog, you can now filter the manufacturer data by the manufacturer and module name. Confirm the selection of a specific module by clicking the Add button. Please note that an active internet connection is required to access the data.

User defined

Alternatively, user-defined modules can also be created. Open the corresponding dialog via the Add button β†’ User defined. Here you must now enter the manufacturer name, the module name and the width and height of the module. The module is saved via the Add button.

Dialog "User defined module"

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