SimpleMeasure englisch


Version number: 2.3.0

Date of last change: Jul 22, 2024 

2.3.0 Jul 22, 2024

  • Modifications of the table appearance

  • Additional visualisation of pv module information in the table

  • Cutouts and modules can be overlapped in the image

  • [Desktop] Selection/grouping of multiple elements (Ctrl + click)

  • [Desktop] Image export opens a file dialog instead of opening the image directly

  • [Desktop] Fixed a bug that caused the application to hang after image selection

2.2.0 May 14, 2024

  • You can now store your individual images for the visualisation of PV modules (in the SimpleMeasure context in the drawing settings under "PV modules"). A black PV module has also been added as a default template.

  • Module groups can be moved in full (module group must be selected in the table)

  • Dialogue for SimpleMeasure export (PDF, CSV, screenshot) has been redesigned

  • For the image export (PDF & screenshot), you can now hide all image elements except for the PV modules for a more realistic visualisation (in the export dialogue in step 2 "Options")

  • Slope and orientation can now be edited for all areas, cutouts & module groups

  • Construction line has been added as a new graphic element

  • Minor bug fixes & improvements

2.1.0 Feb 15, 2024

  • PV modules are displayed with a realistic texture by default (can be optionally deactivated in the drawing settings)

  • Guide/orientation lines can be de-/activated in the drawing settings

  • Existing elements can be edited in "PV modules" mode

  • Query & processing of the licence has been revised

  • Fixed an error in relation with the export to the PV planner

  • Adjustments to the user interface

  • Minor bug fixes

2.0.2 Sep 21, 2023

  • Fixed problems with certain licences

2.0.1 Sep 19, 2023

  • JPG export is available again

  • Problems with automatic unlocking through in-app subscriptions have been resolved (purchase may need to be restored one more time via: Settings -> Restore Purchase)

  • Licensing has been optimised

2.0.0 Jun 14, 2023 

  • New & improved interface for image editing

  • More detailed, typified capturing of components (roof area, wall area, window, door including properties such as orientation, tilt)

  • Favorite management of pv modules

  • Project export & import

1.7.0 Nov 29, 2021 

  • Module settings are saved independent of the project

  • Several corrections and improvements

1.6.0 Oct 27, 2021 

  • Selection of multiple images of a project for PDF and CSV exports

  • Choice between horizontal/vertical assembly of modules

  • Minor corrections and improvements

1.5.0 May 12, 2021 

  • Automated full occupancy of areas with definable modules

  • Multiple images per project

  • Minor corrections and improvements

1.4.2 Mar 31, 2021 

  • Added english translation