Editing modes

Editing modes

All drawings except the free form areas will be deselected after the creation for you to create several drawings in a row. To edit a drawing, you first have to select it and choose the right editing mode. The toolbar and the zoom function move automatically if touched while editing. Moreover, you can move the zoom function around freely.



You can switch to the select mode by clicking the hand symbol. Choose the drawing that you want to select to switch into the editing mode. The selection can also be made within the table. In this case, the selected drawing will be shown in color.



Once a drawing is selected, the app switches to the editing mode to make it possible to move the points and further edit the drawing. For a pixel-perfect result, use the arrows in the zoom function.



Within the move-mode, you can move the drawing as the whole. Certain drawings that need sizing can be adjusted to the corresponding layer and that way keep its dimensions within the layer.

Assisting reference lines that are orthogonal to the line will be shown while moving a measurement line.



You can also copy a drawing. It will be inserted in the same position as the original. Furthermore, the shift mode activates automatically to move the copy around.



There is also a delete function. Confirm you are sure that you want to delete the drawing.
