Projects and contact details

Projects and contact details

Project management

The project management is the starting point of the application (provided you have successfully logged in). Here you can manage your existing projects, create new projects and access the online offers, such as instructions, FAQ or videos.

Project management

Navigation bar

On the left side you will find the navigation bar, which you can open and close using the arrow symbol. In this bar you can switch between the individual programme items. You will find the items "Projects" and "Project details" in each programme. Depending on the application, further points are displayed here, which you can use to go to the application-specific parts. The question mark symbol takes you to the context-related help at any time.

Navigation bar

Create project

You can create a new project via the button with the lettering "New". A dialogue will be opened here in which you can enter the name of the project. As soon as the project has been created, you will be forwarded to the project details.

Project name dialog

Project details

In the project details you can enter general, project-specific data. This includes project name and number, addresses of the type "Project", "Planner", "Client" and "Clerk", pictures and notes.

Project details

Project images

You can either add general images to your project from the photo library of your device or capture them with the camera. Devices that do not have a camera cannot use the capture function.

Project images

Project notes

Notes have a title and the actual note text. The notes can be edited or deleted at any time using the corresponding buttons.

Note tile

Project export & import

Via the share button in the title bar you can open the dialogue for export and import. In addition to the project export/import, this dialogue also takes you to application-specific export options (e.g. PDF printouts).

Share dialog

Project export

As soon as a project has been opened, it can be exported via the "Export project" button. A dialogue opens in which the file name can be specified. After confirming the name, the export starts. Depending on the platform on which the app is running, a dialogue opens after the successful export in which you can save the file.

Project export dialog

Project Import

Start the project import by clicking on the button "Search for file", which opens a dialogue for selecting the file. Please note that the file must have the extension ".sqproj". After successfully importing the project, you will find the imported project in the project overview of the app.

Personal data

You can enter your personal contact details so that they are displayed on printouts or other exports. You can access the dialogue in which you can edit the data via the settings (3 dots at the top right → Settings). Here you will find the menu item "Own address", which opens the dialogue.

Dialog "Own address"