Charging device

Charging device

Use the battery charger provided to charge the battery. The charger is a plug-in charger. In other words, the primary side plugs directly into a 220 V outlet. The connector on the secondary side is plugged into the socket at the base of the HottScan HS-1. There is an audible and tangible click when a Lemo series plug is in the correct position in the socket. When it clicks, the plug and socket are firmly connected. The plug can only be safely removed by pulling it out holding the ribbed handle.

The HottScan HS-1 can be connected to the charger while scanning. The power provided by the charger is sufficient to operate the scanner when the battery is dead, using the reserve charge. The charging speed is slower when the scanner is being charged while in use.

The scanner can be switched on or off when the HottScan HS-1 is being charged by the charger. When switched on, the control panel displays the charging progress through the illuminated LEDs on the battery indicator. When switched off, nothing is displayed on the control panel. The charging status is indicated on the LED on the charger. A red LED on the charger indicates the charging progress of the battery. The LED turns green when the battery is completely charged.

When the primary side of the charger is plugged into the mains but is not connected to the HottScan HS-1, none of the LEDs on the charger light up.


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