How do I get to the Scan OneShot?

How do I get to the Scan OneShot?

Unpack the scanner and place it on the stand. Then connect the battery.

Turn on the scanner by pressing the switch (under the scanner).  After the power is turned on, the bottom two LEDs will begin to flash.

The scanner takes about 30 seconds to start. When the scanner is ready for operation, the scan button will light up green.

Turning on the laser by pressing the laser button

Aim the laser so that one laser beam shines on the wall and one laser beam shines on the ceiling.

Then press the scan button.

Transferring the scan to the computer

Establish a connection via wifi. Select the scanner and enter the password. (serial number under the scanner, without hyphens).

Example: d202-21-0012 = d202210012

Open the Hottscan Modeler and click on the One Shot Remote Control tab.

Click Connect/Disconnect to establish a connection.

Then click Refresh Scan List and select the scan.
Download selected scans
Then click on the Project Management tab and create a new project.


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