Panneau de commande

Panneau de commande

Le scanner dispose, sur le côté gauche de la vue frontale, d'un panneau de commande. Les boutons du panneau sont rétroéclairés, permettant une utilisation claire même dans des conditions d'éclairage difficiles.

Sur le côté gauche se trouvent les boutons éclairés à commande tactile. L'éclairage blanc indique l'état de disponibilité du scanner par une lumière continue. Si ces boutons clignotent, cela signifie que le scanner est en train de démarrer ou de s'éteindre, ou qu'une erreur grave s'est produite.


On/off button

This button switches the scanner on and off.

Switching the scanner on

Press and hold the on/off button for at least three seconds to switch the scanner on when it is off (lighting off). As soon as the scanner has been switched on, all of the LEDs start to flash. The scanner requires about 30 seconds to start. When it is ready to use, the white LEDs stay lit and the scan LED turns green.

Switching the scanner off

If the scanner is switched on and indicates that it is ready to scan, it can be switched off. Press and hold the on/off button one times to switch the scanner off. Once the off command has been detected, all of the LEDs start to flash and the scanner shuts down within approx. 40 seconds. The scanner is switched off when none of the LEDs are lit.


If the scanner freezes and none of the buttons on the control panel function, the on/off button acts as a reset. Press and hold the on/off button for more than 10 seconds to completely de-energise and reset the system. The system can be switched on again following a reset.

Scan button

  There is a green LED to the right of the scan button that indicates the following:

  • Steady light: Press the scan button to start scanning.
  • Flashing light: the scanner is not ready, e.g. a scan is in progress


If the scan button is pressed during a scan, the scan is cancelled.

Light button

 There is a white LED next to the light button that indicates the following:

  • On: the room lighting on the scanner is continuously on
  • Off: the room lighting on the scanner is continuously off
  • Flashing: the room lighting on the scanner is only on when recording an image (flash mode)

Press the light button repeatedly to cycle through all of the modes. The room lighting is located on the front of the pan and tilt unit of the scanner. Rotating and tilting the lighting results in perfect lighting for any photo in any position. The scanner consumes more power when the room lighting is in use. Working with continuous light reduces the scanner’s battery life when not connected to the mains. For this reason, use continuous light only in rooms with no functional lighting if possible. Flash mode is more energy efficient and is recommended to lighten photos in dark rooms.

Wifi button

 There are two blue LEDs next to the wifi button, each with a symbol.

Hot spot mode

 The upper symbol depicts a stylised tablet and a hand. This indicates that the scanner is connected to a mobile computer when working on site. Set the scanner to hot spot mode in order to connect your mobile device to the scanner.



The lower symbol depicts a stylised desktop computer. This indicates that the scanner is connected while working in the office. To connect in the office using an existing WLAN, the scanner must be in DHCP mode. In this mode, the scanner receives an address for a WLAN router in the office and automatically establishes the WLAN connection.


Both LEDs feature the following statuses

  • Off: no connection established
  • On: connection established
  • Flashing: trying to establish the desired connection


Push the wifi button repeatedly to cycle between the modes.

Battery indicator

 The battery indicator comprises four illuminated segments. Each segment represents approx. 25% of the battery capacity. If all the LEDs are illuminated, the battery is fully charged. The left LED is red. If this is the only LED illuminated, the battery should be replaced or charged. The battery can be changed during operation. The charger can also be connected to the scanner, charging the HottScan HS-1 for further use.

LED error


The LED error indicates errors that may occur when working with the scanner. A flashing LED indicates that an error has occurred. Common errors are that the USB stick is not present or that the USB stick has insufficient storage capacity. In both cases, the HottScan HS-1 cannot save the recorded data and indicates this by the flashing red error LED. No scans can be recorded in this state. To continue working, insert a new USB stick with sufficient storage capacity. The USB stick can be changed during operation. It is not necessary to shut down the scanner. If the USB stick has sufficient storage capacity, the red error LED goes off.

Depending on the system configuration, approximately 150 to 1000 scans can be stored on a 32 GB USB stick.

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