Zum Ende der Metadaten springen
Zum Anfang der Metadaten

In this window the climate region of the building location can be specified. You can use data from Meteonorm or the test reference years of the German weather service.

From this data the program reads the progression of outdoor temperature and solar radiation. These data are important for thermal building simulation and simulation of heat pump operation as well as for the simulation of PV and solar thermal systems. The presentation of the climate data is divided into two areas:

Outside temperature curve [°C]

Global radiation pattern [W/m²]

Temperature and radiation are displayed for a selected time period. You can choose between a whole year, a certain month or a certain day of a selected month.

Radiation and temperature curves can be displayed as hourly, daily or monthly values using the "Display" button.

The button provides the following functions:

  1. Displays the most important information on the screen.
  2. Zoom or shifting within the diagrams is reset to the initial state.
  3. Exports the climate data in CSV format. However, this is blocked for the climate data for licensing reasons.
  4. Saves the diagrams as image file.

By clicking on a diagram, it is given the focus (colored background). With the mouse wheel the resolution of the graphic representations can be increased and decreased. Now you have the possibility to move it with the left pressed mouse button.


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