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In order to determine the thermal load by devices, the maximum load and the daily course ("daily profile") must be specified. The maximum load is specified in relation to the room area so that the same profile can be used for different rooms. The device load is entered in W/m². The supplied load consists of a convective and a radiant part (in %, both parts add up to 100%). For the device profile, the convective part must be entered. If the exact convective or radiant part is unknown, a ratio of 50/50 is assumed. The convective part has a direct effect in the room and the radiating part has a time-delayed effect. The resulting cooling load will therefore also shift. It will increase or decrease depending on other loads. It is therefore important to know the exact convective or radiant component.

The day profile (in this case daily occupancy) defines what percentage of the maximum load is fed to the room in the respective hour of the day. An office, for example, will differ significantly from a hotel. The percentage share is entered in the input field at the corresponding hour. The thermal load in sequence of the devices can be seen in the results under "Thermal loads".


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