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"Premium" and "Platinum" customers have the option here to select only a simplified system mode instead of simulating detailed systems, in which the effects of limited heating and cooling capacities on the building are estimated. This mode is the only available mode for "ETU-Simulation Standard" customers. It is possible to change your mind at a later date. To do so, all that is required is to deselect the simplified mode and confirm the request to delete the systems. Afterwards detailed plants can be selected as usual.

In the detailed mode you can select whether the building has a combined heating and cooling system that both heats and cools the building. An example of this would be a reversible heat pump or a combined heat and power plant that heats in winter and drives an absorption chiller in summer. Alternatively, a heating system and/or a cooling system can be selected. Furthermore, a ventilation system, if necessary with heat recovery, can be added to the project.

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