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This section is displayed automatically when the user selects one room in the project administration or by using the tab in the header. If the loaded room contains no elements the leveling process will be started. If the room contains the elements the modelling functions will be started.

Scan leveling

After loading scans without 3D elements the buttons for leveling appear automatically. The leveling compensates mismatches of the scanner alignment on-site. The leveling aligns the panorama horizontally. Several options are available:

The button (level the floor automatically) evaluates measurement points at the floor for automatic leveling. This option should be taken in to account when more than three measurement points are available and the height difference is not seriously.

The button (level the ceiling automatically) evaluates the measurement points at the ceiling and creates a ceiling plane.

The automatic function simplifies the leveling but can also cause issues. 

The default value for the leveling is set to 10 cm. All measurement point which are in the area of 10 cm are taken into account. The search area can be extended which requires a restart of the leveling process. In accuracy will appear if the search are is too large.

After the leveling a pop up window with the leveling results will appear.

In this cases the search area was set to 70 cm a unusual large search area. Nevertheless three measurement points were detected and a correction angle of -10.15° was set. This means that  the scanner has a perpendicular deviation of 19.62°. This setup of the scanner is too crooked so that the automatic leveling can not be used.

Every leveling process can be restarted by clicking the button [New leveling]

The following pop-up appears:

As described in the pop-up all created planes will be deleted and the current modelling process is no longer available.

This pop-up shows an accurate automatic leveling . The number of considered measured points (31) is high. The correction angle of 0.06° indicates that the Scanner was positioned ideal.

Measurement points can be selected manually by double clicking. Measurement points are hightlighted in the panorama as green dots. The color of the selected dot is changed from green to red.  Each selected do will be mentioned in the list “selected measurement spots”. For the initiation of the leveling three measurement spots are required. Additional spots are possible.

With the button [Level the wall manually]the leveling can be processed at a wall. It is mandatory that the wall is aligned perpendicular to the horizon and three laser measurement spots have to be selected which are located on the wall.

This option is recommend if no horizontal planes with at least three measurement spots are available.

For the leveling it is recommended to select  three measurment spots which are as distanced as possible to each other and are not located on the same line. Afterwards the leveling can be initiated by clicking the button [Level the plane manually].The following pop-up appears:

prefered  a ceiling or floor plance can be creatd based on the selected measuring points or on the selected and additional measuring points. The option additional points selected points indicates that all measuring spots which are located closed by the plane  are taken into account.

By clicking on the button [continue without leveling]  the leveling process will be skipped. This is recommend if no 3D modelling is needed.

Notice: The roomscanner HottScan HS-1 has to be aligned appr. perpendicular. This reduces the on-site time as a proper alignment is no longer required


After the leveling the HottScan Modeller displays the the buttons for the  3D modelling:

The buttons from left to right have the following meaning:

Horizontal ground plane:    A horizontal ground plane is created. One measuring spot has to be selected.

Horizontal ceiling plane:  A horizontal ceiling plane is created. One measuring spot has to be selected.

Vertical wall plane:  A vertical wall plane is created. Two measuring spots have to be selected.

Individual planes:    An individual plane is created. Three measuring spots have to be selected.                      

Construction of planes and openings

The buttons for the surfaces on the right side are described. The openings behave in the same way when it comes to commands and sequences. However, an existing surface must be selected in the 3D navigator.

Rectangle two points

A surface in the form of a rectangle is constructed on the active plane with two click points. The first point can be any corner point of the rectangle and the second point is the point diagonally opposite the first point on the rectangle. If the active plane is horizontal the rectangle is modelled along the main axis of the coordinate system. The main axes are displayed using the grid of the horizontal planes.

Rectangle three points

A surface in the shape of a rectangle is constructed on the active plane with three click points. The first and second click points form the basis of the rectangle while the third point determines its height. Unlike the rectangle with two points, this rectangle can have any position


A surface in the shape of a triangle is constructed on the active plane with three click points.


A surface in the shape of a polygon is constructed on the active plane with several click points. The polygon must have at least three and a maximum of 250 click points.


A surface in the shape of a circle is constructed on the active plane with two click points. The distance between the click points corresponds to the diameter of the circle.

Additional functions

Create a prism

When a room is in the shape of a prism and either the floor or ceiling surfaces can be well constructed, this function helps auto-matically complete the room. The automatic function copies the floor surfaces to the ceiling surface or the ceiling surfaces to the floor surface depending on the situation. Wall planes and surfaces are automatically added to the outer edges.

Create a helper line

Helper lines are constructed on all planes by clicking on two points. Helper lines construct hidden points as the intersections of the helper lines form snap points.

Create a parallel helper line

The parallel helper line is an important feature for the construction of parallel helperlines e.g for the construction of walls

Distance measurement

A plane is selected and the distance between two click points is displayed with a line and the length of the line is also indicated. If two measuring points are selected, a click of the button automatically generates a line and the length of the line between the measuring points.

Orthogonal measurement

The first click point on a selected plane selects a point on the plane through which a vertical measurement line is drawn to the selected plane. The second click point creates a line and the length of the line. The orthogonal projection is ideal for determining soffit depths and other important measurements.

Angle measurement

At a selected plane a angle measurement is initiated with the selction of three  clicks. The first two clicks define the first leg and the third click the second leg. 


This button is activated when an opening is selected. With two clicks the opening can be moved to its new position. By clicking the space bar the reference point of the opening can be changed. 

Notice: For the functions parallel helper line, distance measurement, orthogonal measurement and angle measurement exact values can be given.

If a digit is entered during a construction a pop-up appears. This pop-up enables measurements with given digits and the contstruction of parallel helper lines with defined distances.


This controller sets the transparency of all modelled surfaces. If the controller is at 0, all surfaces are invisible and when it’s at 90 all surfaces are opaque, concealing the panorama.

Testing open edges

Click on this button to check whether the modelled room is closed on all sides. If there is an open edge, in other words no surface connected, the edge is shown in red. The red marking remains in place until the button is clicked again.Open edges can occur when incorrect or no snap points are used. Open edges then lead to incorrect dimension calculations and interfere with further processing of the 3D model in CAD.


Screenshots of the panorama can be saved in an individual picture. With every click on the button another picture will be created.  Taken measurements can be documentized with a single screenshot

Move to another room

Move into a selected room.

 Allocate note

Notes will be located to certain planes.

Add note

Notes can be added to a scan project

Edit note

Selected note can be open and edited.

Raum ausrichten

This button is optional is only available with certain programm versions..

According to the top view (floorplan) the scans do not have a defined alignment. For some export formats it is beneficical to align the room to the horizontal X- axis. This button is only available in the 4 view mode.

In the next step the desired wall hast o be selected from the 3D-Navigator.

The following illustration shows the alignment process:


CAD Export

The CAD Export exports the modelled room to DWG/DXF, Collada and IFC. The following pop-up appears:

In the first tab a DXF- or DWG file specified Autodesk data formats. Formats of the version V14 or 2013 can be selected.

The DWG/DXF file will be exported with structures (elements in layers) with the modelled room planes and openings. (sample in in DWG TrueView):

In the second tab a collada file format is exported. Collada is an interchange format for 3D applications based on XML and texture files. The level of detail of the file format can be selected on request

An optional preview displays the segmentation of planes in triangles:

Sample of Collada export in open3mod Viewer:

In the third tab an file in IFC format is exported.

Sample of an IFC-Exports:

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