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In this TAB are all functions for the administration of projects and scans summarized. The highlighted blue, top row indicates the current position in the project list. In the center is the project list followed by the tab structure. On the left hand side are the most important functions aligned.

Import sample projects

In the main menu under [File > Import samples] there is a command to import three pre-installed examples. The command automatically creates a project entitled “Examples”, in the current year, and imports the examples with the scan data and the 3D models.

The examples can be edited, deleted and imported again as needed.

Project list

 The project list consist of an hiearchic structure with 8 levels

Stage 1:          year

The current year will be automatically set when a new project is created. All new projects will be assigned to this structure

Stage 2:          project

The project´s name. A project can consist s of several buildings.

Stage 3:           buildings

Name of the building

Stage 4:           level

Level of the building. The description of the level consists of a number and a model. The number is used for the order of the data system and assignment:

200 and downward for attic

500 and downward for upper floor

600 for ground floor

700 and upward for cellar

The abbreviations are:

RF- roof floor

UF upper floor

GF- ground floor

CF- cellar floor


Stage 5:           Group of rooms

This is the description for rooms which are related to a certain group. E.g. departments, appartmens, houses….

Stage 6:           Rooms

This description for individual rooms such as office, kitchen, bathroom or living room. Nevertheless a room can consist of several scans. If this is the case the symbol color will be changed

Stage 7:           Scan with additionall details

Scan XXX JJJJ-MM-TT HH-MM ---- --- -

  • XXX three-digit number
  • JJJJ-MM-TT date formatted in year-month-day
  • HH-MM  time formatted in hours-minutes
  • ---- placeholder for structure data
    • 1 = building assigned
    • 2 = stage assigned
    • 3 = group of rooms assigned
    • 4 = room assigned
  • --- placeholder for 3D-Modell
    • 3D =  the room contains the 3D Data
    • Indicator about modelling process
    • 100 = A floor, ceiling and three walls existsEs existiert ein Boden, eine Decke und mindestens 3 Wände
    • – open edges appear
    • + all edges are closed

100% modelled scans are highlighted with . All other status are marked with

    • - Placeholder for calculated panorama
    • P = Panorama exists

Stage 8:          files of Scans

At this stage all  files are stored which are related to a scan

PanoramaProject.xml – project file with all scan information and modelling process.

ImageXXXX.jpg – images with progressive number which have been captured during scan process

Image_JJJJMMTT-HHMMSS.jpg – individual images which have been captured with the remoter control for documentation purpose.

SphericalPanorama-4096x2048.jpg, SphericalPanorama-8192x4096.jpg, SphericalPanorama-16384x8192.jpg – Panoramas which have been calculated by the function [create panorama]. Minimum one panorama is required to initiate the modelling process.

The calculation of the max. resolution of 16384 pixels is disabled by default.This resolution can be activated in the settings. This resulation is not available for modelling purposes.

SphericalPanorama-Preview.jpg – For a general preview a low resolution panorama is displayed in the project administration.

A double-click on a file opens the related application. A double-click on a JPG file opens a viewer tool which is installed in the operating system.

A context menue appears with the most frequent used commands when a right click in the project management is executed.

 New project button

Enter the project name in this field. The file name may contains letters and numbers but no special characters such as:

<         less than

>         greater than

:           colon

“”         quotation marks

|           vertical line

?          question mark

*          asterisk

.           full stop or space at the end of a file or folder name

 The project name may not exceed 260 characters including the storage path. A project name could contain the customer, the property address and the type of building.


Company - 16 Xample Street - LONDON SW1E 6LB - Office

Press [OK] to add the new project to the list.

Note: the project list is arranged in reverse alphabetical order. To create your own sequence, place consecutive numbers such as 001... 002... 003... at the start of your project names.

Import scans button

Read the room scans in here.

First click on [] to select the path for the scan to be read.

When selecting the storage location, the basic path of the scan is sufficient. The HS-1 scanner automatically saves scans, sorted by date, to a USB stick. To import, you can select all of the scans on the USB stick or only those from a certain date.

Note: When importing the data, HottScan creates a copy of the data on the USB stick. The data on the USB stick remains in its entirety. 

Before continuing to use the USB stick for scanning, ensure that you have made space on it by deleting files or formatting the USB stick.

We recommend that you also copy the files from the USB stick to a secure storage medium.

Once the storage location has been selected, all of the scans found are displayed in a list. Press the [All] button to select all of the scans displayed and press the [None] button to remove all of the scans from the list. Click on the line of the scan or on the option box to either select or remove individual scans. Press the [Reverse selection] button to reverse the selection status of the entire list.

The number of selected imports is displayed with the [Import selected projects] button. Click on the button to start the import process. How long this process takes depends on the number of scans. The transfer speed is increased considerably when the USB stick is connected to a USB 3.0 interface. Press the [Cancel] button to close the window without any action.

Important information: The data recorded and processed by the scanner contains important information. If data is lost, so too is that information. Recovering that information, if even possible, requires a great deal of logistical expertise and a huge financial investment. For this reason, be sure to always save your data. The storage path can be found in the program settings under the program tab, e.g. “C:\Users\ ...\Document\HottScan\Data”.This path can be a central drive integrated into the existing data backup.

The manufacturer assumes no liability for loss of data.

Always make a backup copy before deleting data from a USB stick.

Create panorama button

All of the scans in the active branch “Import date...” are displayed in one list in the following window. Press the [All] button to select all of the scans displayed and press the [None] button to remove all of the scans from the list. Click on the line of the scan or on the option box to either select or remove individual scans. Press the [Invert selection] button to reverse the selection status of the entire list.

Select the option “Overwrite existing panoramas” to recalculate existing panoramas. When this option is not selected, panoramas will not be recalculated.

Selecting the “Brightness balance” option can improve the brightness distribution in panoramas if, for example, there are extreme differences in brightness in the room such as bright windows and dark corners. Selecting this option results in a significantly longer calculation time.

Selecting the “Optimal cut edges” option can improve the panoramas if better cut edges between the individual images are found. Selecting this option results in a longer calculation time.

Selecting the “Contrast enhancement” option can improve the panoramas when the contrast between different components such as walls and ceilings is minimal. Selecting this option slows down the calculation time slightly and results in somewhat “dirty” looking panoramas.


Click on [Start panorama calculation] to start calculating the selected scan. This process is known as “stitching”. The calculation progress is displayed.


Note: The time needed to calculate the panoramas depends on the number of panoramas, the power of the computer, the operating system and the main memory expansion. Panorama calculation requires a 64-bit operating system. The more main memory available, the shorter the calculation time.


The [Cancel] button stops the panorama calculation upon completion of the current calculation. If there is no active panorama calculation, press [Close] to close the window.

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