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Here the effects of the following types of shading can be examined:

  • Shading caused by distant obstacles can be adjusted in the Horizon View.
  • The self-shading by other components, such as window reveals or balconies can be calculated in HottCAD. To do this, the building must be entered in HottCAD and then the icon  in the Toolbar must be clicked.
  • Shading by movable sun protection can be set in building data (on the windows) and in the usage profiles (control).

When you start the shade analysis (1), several runs of a slimmed-down simulation are performed to determine the solar loads.

You can switch the table between rooms, zones and the individual windows (2).

If you select a table entry (3), you will see a pie chart (4) that shows the decrease of the solar load by the individual shading types. After the analysis, this is initially set for the entire building.

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