

Table of components

The component types selected in the schema are listed here. As soon as a component type is selected in the table, the data entry mask of the corresponding component type appears below.

Interim results

The displayed intermediate results serve to check and optimize the recorded data. Deviations are displayed as indications (as shortfall, if the output of the heat generators is smaller than the demand). The standard outside temperature only appears if the demand has not yet been simulated, otherwise the outdoor temperature at maximum heating demand is displayed as the design temperature. 

Component data

Under "Description" you can change the description, this change is then transferred to the product data.

In addition, you can open our catalog database via the button "Product selection" and select a suitable device. This data comes from the catalog setup, for which regular updates are released to ensure that the data is always up to date. If you are missing a device, please contact us and preferably the manufacturer of the device, so that the data can be transferred. 

With the button "Delete product" once selected catalog data can be removed from the project again.

Heat pump

This is where technical data on the heat pump and basic settings for the heat source are entered.

The electricity tariff is set using the "Selection" button. The tariff can be taken over from a predefined list or your own list. Project-spreading tariffs can be defined in the menu option "Program constants". For the selected electricity tariff the price is relevant for the calculation of the profitability and the blocking period for the simulation.

If no special heat pump from the product catalog is to be used, a standard heat pump can also be used (depending on the license). In this case, any existing catalog heat pump must be removed via "Delete product" so that the desired nominal output can be entered. In order to simulate as realistically as possible, however, a catalog heat pump is preferable.

The minimum heat source temperature must be taken into account for air source heat pumps in particular.

The input fields for an "internal electric heating supplement" can be edited if a heating element is defined for the component.

The "Diagrams" section contains information about the characteristic curve fields. The characteristic curves come from the catalog data and are used for the simulation.


Here you can find details about drinking water and buffer storage. The most important information is the volume.

The heat loss of the storage tank is calculated from the dimensions, the thermal insulation and the ambient temperature.

A possibly existing internal electrical auxiliary heating can be dimensioned here. It is possible to operate the heating element only with PV electricity.


The dimensioning of the PV system is done in the corresponding PV views. For the sake of completeness, the PV data are listed again here.

Earth collector

According to the input of the heat source in the scheme the data for the "earth collector flat" or the "geothermal probe double U" are seized here. The input fields for these two heat sources are identical. Select the existing soil type from the deposited list. For the type of heat exchanger you determine the intended type for the geothermal probe. In order to show an order of magnitude for earthworks, you will find an exemplary earth probe dimensioning or earth collector dimensioning according to VDI 4640 under "Design example". Decisive for the simulation is the brine inlet temperature, which is assumed to be constant.

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