This area is used to compare different heat generators. Their long-term costs are determined based on global factors, building information and energy sources. The results graphic then allows a quick comparison of the resulting costs. Some analyses are already preset, but can be deleted or changed.

The area is divided into the following sections:

Global factors

The global factors are the same for all analyses. This allows the individual analyses to be compared with each other.

  • Period under consideration: The period over which the cost determination takes place.

  • Calculation interest rate: The interest rate with which costs are charged.

  • Price increase rate: The general price increase rate for heat generators.

Energy source

A list of the different energy sources, their current price per kWh and the inflation rate. The inflation rate can be indicated here for each energy source independently, in order to be able to react flexibly to forecasts.

Results graphic

Here not only the results can be compared, but also analyses can be edited, created and deleted.

Editing an analysis

Clicking on a column of the diagram opens the dialog for customizing an analysis. Three tabs are available on this dialog.

Via the tab Measure the heat generator, its lifetime, efficiency or annual performance factor can be adjusted. A new investment is necessary after the lifetime. If there is still a remaining service life at the end of the period under consideration, the residual value is credited.

The Costs tab provides a more detailed overview of the individual costs.

There are three different ways to calculate the investment costs. A generic estimate, a user-defined value and a user-defined estimate. The graph on the right side gives an overview of the investment costs to be expected for a given performance.

Generic price curves are already stored for each heat generator. If a fixed value is desired, it can be entered under "User defined value". If empirical values or a product range offers other performance/price combinations, these can be entered in the table under "User defined estimation". An estimation will then be calculated. This is also visible on the right side. Please note that only investment costs are calculated if the heating load is within the defined range (between the smallest and the largest output).

New analysis

By clicking on the plus column, a new analysis can be created. The "Customize analysis" dialog opens and the new analysis can be customized.

Delete analysis

By clicking on the red cross in the upper right corner of a column, the analysis can be deleted.


Next to each column there are up to three icons:

 Optimal long-term cost  Search/replace

 The current reference heat generator

 A comparison heat generatorr

Plus three matching comparisons:

The comparison of the analysis of the reference heat generator with that of the heat generator with the lowest long-term costs.

The comparison of the analysis of the reference heat generator with that of a reference heat generator.

A comparison of the analysis of the heat generator with the lowest long-term costs with that of a comparable heat generator.