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On this page all expenditures and incomes are entered, which are to be considered for the profitability analysis.

Items that are not relevant for your project remain empty. For each entry it is defined whether it is a one-time income/expenditure (period under consideration = duration) or an annual income/expenditure (period under consideration = year). All entries can be defined as "incurred expenses" or "omitted expenses". The input mask is divided into an "overview" and a representation of the "single positions".

In the "Overview" section, the total amounts, divided into positive and negative parts and the sum of these, are entered or automatically calculated.

The total amounts are calculated from the single items, which are visible in the corresponding section. A table is stored here for each entry in the overview. The "Edit" button opens the input dialog for the selected item and there you can define e.g. duration, start time, price increase or single prices depending on the type of item.

The entries for expenses and income can be entered as a total amount (also divided into "incurred"/"omitted") or as a list of individual items. If several single items are entered, the total amounts are calculated automatically in the overview, but cannot be edited there freely without discarding the list. A corresponding note appears. In principle, for each item, also for each single item, the useful life can be freely defined with the period of consideration "Duration". If the useful life differs from the period of consideration of the profitability analysis, new acquisition or residual values are taken into account.

For most items with the analysis period "year" an interval and a starting point can be defined. An entry via unit prices and quantity specification is possible for all positions. Inflation rates and quantity changes can be freely defined for each position, independent of the general definition on the input page  Englisch Parameters.

Via the "Update" button, the data required for the profitability calculation is transferred from the program simulation to the profitability analysis. Current simulation results must be available for this purpose.

Prices already recorded are set to 0. In the "Basic settings" the VAT rate, the construction cost surcharge, the inflation rates and the currency can be adjusted.

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