Versionen im Vergleich


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An electricity profile can be imported to this card with the help of a CSV file. The file can either contain hourly (8760) values or quarter-hourly (35,040) values. After the profile has been imported, the total current demand can be read.

In the upper area a profile name can be selected.

Clicking on "Import" opens a selection dialog. In this window, a file with the extension .csv can be selected. If the CSV file has a different text extension, such as .txt, you can also set the file extension to all file extensions.

After selection of a file, you will find the name of the file at "Selected file". 

The total electricity demand consists of the summed values from the CSV file.

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After a file has been selected, the options of the CSV tool open. These are preset based on an analysis of the CSV file.

The reference time gives information about whether the values are hourly or quarter-hourly in the CSV file.

The unit should be checked in each case, since here no automatic preassignment takes place. The selection option consists of W, kW and kWh.

The separator indicates the character with which the columns are separated from each other.

The decimal separator is either comma or dot depending on the set language. This should be adjusted to the decimal separator used in the CSV file.

With Number of headers you give the program the information how many lines of the csv contain comments and column headers. 

With Select column - if available - the column headers of the CSV file are displayed. If the CSV file does not have them, there are default values like column 1 etc. in it. There the correct column with the values should be selected.

After selection of these options a validation takes place. This can lead it to 3 different validation results:

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The validation has been successful.

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The validation was not successful. Possible causes are:

  • The wrong column was selected
  • There are letters or similar in the column instead of the expected numbers
  • Options were set incorrectly

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The file contains lines that are not used, this can be due to the following reasons:

  • There are comments under the demand values
  • There are more values than can be processed

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