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profiles can be selected from a catalog of usage profiles, taken from DIN 18599


Demand profiles are used to map the electricity demand of the house. One demand profile has to be selected at any time. A catalog of predefined demand profiles is available. These have a predefined course for electricity and hot water demand, which can be scaled.

One predefined profile has to be selected at any time

From these, a profile can be selected and scaled accordingly. The input of own profiles can be done via the demand profile library.

In the box on the left side


you will find predefined demand profiles for different room types. One of the profiles can be selected here. (1)

On the right side the profile is described in more detail. The total


power demand as well as the total heat demand for hot water is predefined, but can

be entered below

also be adjusted to the actual demand here. The hot water demand is transferred directly


to the heat pump


map, if one is



An overview of the current profiles of the time-resolved demand data for the individual profiles can be found in the "Library of demand libraryprofiles", under program "Program functions. At the present time, the predefined profiles cannot be changed.Image Removed". These can also be adjusted here. (As of version 5.3.0)

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Customizing Demand Profiles

The available profiles are also displayed in the demand profile library. One of the profiles can now be selected here. A calendar view (1) and the daily pattern (2) of this profile will then appear on the right-hand side. If you want to customize this profile, you have to copy it via the button at the bottom left and then open the tab "own profiles" (3).

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There, additional time series can be entered in the calendar...

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... or individual values of the time series can be adjusted.

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The profile can then be transferred to the project via the "Project" tab. After that, it is also selected in the Demand profile card. On the right side, under Profile Source, the profile is then also marked as a "user-defined profile".