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On this page, different power consumers can be defined.


Predefined Profiles

Predefined profiles can be selected from a catalog of usage profiles, taken from DIN 18599. These have a predefined course for electricity and hot water demand, which can be scaled. One predefined profile has to be selected at any time.

In the box on the left side one of the profiles can be selected.

The total electricity demand as well as the total heat demand for hot water can be entered below. The hot water demand is directly transferred to the heat pump card, if one is available.

An overview of the current profiles of the individual profiles can be found in the demand library, under program functions. At the present time, the predefined profiles cannot be changed.

Heat Pumps as Consumers of Electricity (only in PV Simulation)

For the PV simulation it is now possible to select heat pumps as additional electricity consumers. For this purpose, a heat pump can be selected in the bar at the top.

A heat pump card appears with the following input options:

The requirements for heating, cooling and hot water in hWh/a. These are preset if the building can be simulated, but can be adjusted to the actual consumption. By clicking on the "calculate"-button the consumption will be recalculated.

Attention: possibly entered requirements will be overwritten.

The hot water demand comes from the profile on the profile card. If the hot water demand is not to be covered by the heat pump, it can be set to 0 there.

Properties of the heat pump can be entered below the dividing line.

At the top the nominal power of the heat pump is to be entered.

Below this, it is possible to specify how any remaining demand is to be covered. This can be done either by a heating rod or non-electrically. In the latter case, the remaining demand is not considered further for the PV simulation.

The nominal power for cooling can also be entered, or set to 0 if the heat pump is not used for cooling.

For the heat source, a choice can be made between outside air and ground. This influences the source temperature and thus the COP of the heat pump. If "Outside air" is selected, the temperature of the outside air from the weather data is assumed as the source temperature; if "Ground" is selected, the ground temperature is calculated and used as the source temperature.

Under Power control, you can choose between modulating and constant operation, depending on the type of heat pump. Modulating heat pumps have to cycle much less often, because they can throttle their output, which is advantagous for their lifetime and their COP.

In addition, it is possible to choose between panel heating or radiator. This influences the flow temperature of the heating system. A target flow temperature of 35°C is assumed for panel heating, and 55°C for radiators. This in turn influences the COP of the heat pump.

E-Car as Consumers of Electricity (only in PV Simulation)

Als zusätzlichen Stromverbraucher ist es möglich ein oder mehrere E-Autos hinzuzufügen.

Bei der Nutzungsart des E-Autos handelt es sich um vorgewähltes Jahresprofil, der zu Zeit nicht änderbar ist.

Bei einem Pendlerauto ist davon auszugehen, dass die Ladezeiten der Autobatterie zwischen 18 Uhr und 6 Uhr nächsten Tages sowie ganztägig am Wochenende liegen.

Das Zweitauto wird nur in den Arbeitstagen zwischen 10 Uhr und 11 Uhr gefahren. Die sonstige Zeit wird das Auto nicht benutzt – in der Zeit wird die Autobatterie so lange wie nötig geladen.

Es wird angenommen, dass der durchschnittliche Verbrauch bei 15 kWh pro 100 km liegt. Zu dem wird mit 261 Werktagen pro Jahr und 10% Ladeverlusten gerechnet.

Mit diesen Annahmen und anhand von den im Jahre gefahrenen Kilometer, Kapazität der Batterie und Batterie-Ladegeschwindigkeit wird der jährliche Strombedarf für das E-Auto ausgerechnet

 It is possible to add one or more e-cars as additional electricity consumers.

The e-car's type of use is a pre-selected annual profile, which cannot be edited at the moment.

For a commuter car, it is assumed that the car battery charging times are between 6 pm and 6 am next day and all day on weekends.

The secondary car is driven only during work days between 10 am and 11 am. The car is not used the rest of the time - in the meanwhile the car battery is charged for as long as necessary.

It is assumed that the average consumption is 15 kWh per 100 km. In addition, 261 working days per year and 10% charging losses are assumed.

With these assumptions and based on the kilometers driven per year, the battery's capacity and charging rate, the annual electricity requirement for the e-car is calculated.

Resulting Electricity Demand

On the right side, the resulting electricity demand in kWh/a, summed over the whole year, is displayed.